"All I ask, the heaven above
And the road below me."

Sunday, January 30, 2011


It's only been about 2 days since I arrived in Germany, but I'm already in love! When I first arrived, I was a little overwhelmed by all the German, probably partially because I was so tired.  All the announcements in the airport were in German, all the signs, etc.  I mean, what else should I have expected?  But I just really wanted a tiny bit of English.  So I was really glad when I met these two British guys in the airport who wanted to talk to me.  I think we talked for about 3 hours, and one of them bought me coffee which I really needed after only a little bit of sleep.  They were really interesting and told me a lot about the economic and social situation in England.  Anyway, it was a nice break from German.  That night we went grocery shopping and then made dinner and went to bed.  We had Spätzle which is a traditional Swabian dish.  It's sort of this pasta stuff with meat and vegetables on the inside.  I didn't think I'd like it, but it was actually delicious!

   Not that you want to know what I had for every meal, but I have to write about breakfast the next day.  We had Brötchen (little bread).  The bread here is SOOO good.  And there are bakeries EVERYWHERE.  I can't wait to go to more in Schwäbisch Hall and Vienna!  I LOVE bread.

Later we went shopping with some of Svenja's friends.  When we left, we got in a car accident because this guy had ice on his windshield and didn't see us. That was pretty exciting!  Shopping was fun, but again a bit overwhelming, because it was hard to understand when Svenja talked to her friends.  They speak so fast to each other!

Last night we went to a club and stayed there until 4am.  This was a really cool experience.  I've never been to a club before, let alone stayed out till 4 in the morning!  I managed to drink one entire beer.  This is quite an accomplishment for me :)  It was REAAAALLY good though.  The reason we went out was because Svenja's friend was having a birthday party.  Lots of her friends were there and everyone was really nice, although it was hard to understand their German because the music was so loud.  Because of this, I was hesitant to talk to anyone because I didn't want to look like an idiot!  But it was still fun just to be in such a new environment.  We danced and talked and ate and drank.  I discovered that ketchup costs money here, which is quite a tragedy.

Today was incredible!  We went to Svenja's mother's home where I saw here whole family.  I haven't seen them in seven years!  We spoke German during lunch, and that was really fun.  I can already tell it's getting better.  I understand a lot more than I did even when I first arrived.  Anyway, the food was delicious and the company was even better.  Her siblings are so old now! Crazy!  It was so wonderful to see them.  Her mother was just so sweet to me.  In fact, I've been so grateful for Svenja's kindness to me too.  And her boyfriend's.  It's so wonderful to feel at home when I'm so far from home!

After that we went to the Fernsehturm (TV tower).  It's this big tower from which you can see a large part of Stuttgart when you go to the top.  It was really beautiful, but really cold, so we didn't stay that long.

This evening we had Schnitzel mit Nudeln (Schnitzel with noodels) for dinner.  It was good, just as everything has already been!  It's late here now, but I'm not tired because I took a three hour nap earlier!

Tomorrow Svenja's boyfriend is driving me to Schwäbisch Hall where I will study German for one month before going to Vienna.  I'm really excited to get better at German, meet new people, and explore a new city, but I'm really going to miss it here with Svenja, and perhaps she will come visit me this month.

I still can't believe I'm here.  Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes!  I miss you!

Friday, January 28, 2011


I made it!  Sitting in the airport after a super long, but surprisingly good, flight.  I can't believe I'm here.  I already spoke German when I showed them my passport and I almost screamed I was so proud of myself.  Oh, I'm so excited for these adventures!